Ministry Updates

Ekwo Finds a New Life

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16

Naomi Esi Amoah of Royal Seed Home in Ghana truly lives 1 John 3:16. I met Naomi several years ago and felt so encouraged by all she does to rescue abandoned children. It is not uncommon for Naomi to drop whatever she is doing to respond to a phone call from the local police, asking her to pick up a child who has no family nor home. This is how Ekwo came to Royal Seed Home.

Ekwo was living on the streets when police arrested him for stealing. Social services contacted Naomi and asked her to shelter the boy while they searched for his family. It was a Sunday morning and Naomi promptly left church to meet Ekwo at the police station. She then brought him to Royal Seed Home where he found a bed, food, school, God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Social services did eventually locate Ekwo’s family; however, not one person in his immediate nor extended family wanted anything to do with him. Sadly, Ekwo was dead to them.

Ekwo’s past is one of struggle and sadness. However, when you ask him to share his story, tears fill his eyes…tears not of pain, but rather gratitude. Naomi rescued this young man and gave him a future and hope. A young man destined to spend his life behind bars, now has the support system he needs to make something of himself and to do something great for God.

It is because of Ekwo and the many other orphaned children that I support Royal Seed Home. A monthly gift of $25 provides one month’s supply of food for each child at Royal Seed. CLICK HERE to make a DONATION.

Nepal Disaster Relief Fund

Thank you to each of our partners who gave in response to Worship In Action’s Nepal Earthquake outreach. I am very happy to report that together we gave $5000 to the relief efforts. Our contribution provided immediate and critical supplies such as blankets, food, and safe water to those impacted by the earthquakes in Nepal. We believe God received glory during this outreach and through us demonstrated his love to many people.

Friends have asked if we will continue our involvement in Nepal, and the answer is YES. Worship In Action has an established disaster relief fund that actively receives and distributes donations from our partners to areas around the world impacted by natural disasters. We invite our friends to continue to give to this disaster relief fund, and these funds will go to Nepal for the ongoing rebuilding efforts. We know life will never be the same for the Nepalese who have lost family members, homes, jobs, and their earthly possessions. We can’t return to them what was lost; however, we can support them in a way that is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and presence in the earth.

To give to Worship In Action Disaster Relief Fund, Click Here.

Gifty's Story

Gifty is a little girl with whom it is easy to fall in love. She is tender, shy and kind. And, she has an incredible story. Don Moen and his band met Gifty on one of their visits to Royal Seed Home in Ghana.

Here’s Gifty’s Story!

A group of children were playing in a field one day when they noticed a black plastic bag wiggling around. Afraid the plastic bag had a snake inside, they began to hit it with sticks to try to kill the snake. Adults nearby noticed the commotion and stopped the children. When they opened the plastic bag, they found a newborn baby girl…Gifty. Local police received the baby and then brought her to Royal Seed Home where Mrs. Naomi took her in and gave her the name “Gifty”…God’s gift to us. Gifty lived at RSH for the first few years of her life until an American family adopted her. God has a beautiful future ahead for this little treasure. He preserved her life and used Royal Seed Home to do it.

Today, there are 190+ Gifty’s who have found food, shelter and a family at Royal Seed Home. Every donation we receive in Gifty’s name goes to provide for children just like her…rescued ones with bright futures. Please JOIN US! today.

Nepal Disaster Relief Effort

I’m sure you have closely followed the reports of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck the heart of Nepal this past Saturday. News agencies are reporting upwards of 4,600 people have died. Thousands of survivors have lost homes, hospitals are overwhelmed treating injuries and quickly running out of medical supplies, and many rural communities are completely unreachable. The situation is heartbreaking and desperate.

If you have not yet made a donation, please consider giving to Worship In Action’s Nepal Relief Fund. 100% of your donations will be combined with my personal donation and sent directly to Operation Blessing in Nepal. CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

Baby Esi Amoah

Esi Amoah came to Royal Seed Home as a newborn baby. In Ghana, children are named after the day of the week on which they are born. Baby Esi means “Sunday born” which is the day she arrived at Royal Seed Home. Esi’s birth mother abandoned her upon delivery. Esi’s Grandmother, who was her closest living relative, did not have the capacity to care for a baby and brought her to Royal Seed. Esi had only had water for three days and was immediately hospitalized for dehydration. Recently, Esi had a second health battle and spent several more days in the hospital fighting for her life. Had it not been for the attentive love of the caregivers at the home who noticed she was having difficulty breathing, Esi would not have survived.


Elisabeth came to Royal Seed Home as a young child. A Good Samaritan neighbor who lived near Elizabeth and watched over her, knew that Elizabeth’s Mother had abandoned the child and left her in the care of her Father. Elizabeth’s Father was a well-known drunk who rarely slept at home and who after heavy drinking, frequently awoke in strange places, such as in ditches or on the streets. Elizabeth’s Good Samaritan neighbor did all she could for Elizabeth but knew the child needed consistent care. The neighbor called social services who promptly removed Elizabeth and brought her to Royal Seed Home.

Elizabeth is now a senior student who attends a technical school and helps care for the younger children at Royal Seed Home. She is a beautiful girl who is well today because someone cared enough to intervene. As with many of the children who have grown up at Royal Seed Home, Elizabeth has made a vow in her heart to always help her Mom, Naomi, carry on the work of the home.

Kofi Amoah

Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are the light of the world.

Naomi Esi Amoah, founder of Royal Seed Home, shines the light of Christ by rescuing abandoned children in her homeland of Ghana. Two weeks ago, on August 22, 2014, Naomi received precious baby Kofi Amoah shortly after he was born. Kofi’s birth mother was very troubled during her pregnancy and abandoned Kofi at a garbage dump the day she gave birth to him. Since coming to Royal Seed, Kofi has received medical care for birth-related health issues and he has improved dramatically. You can see in these pictures how Kofi is getting better every day. God has a purpose for every life born. Please pray Kofi will continue to heal and grow healthy and strong. Amen.

Preach the Gospel in All the Earth

One night many years ago when I was quite a bit younger, the Lord woke me from my sleep and put Psalm 40:3 in my thoughts. I turned on the bedroom light, opened my Bible to Psalm 40:3 and read these words: He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.

I was unaware at the time how that verse would ultimately define my life and ministry. God has called me to worship, to welcome his presence and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. Each time I take the stage, I remember Psalm 40:3. I never assume every person in the audience is born again. I know with every fiber of my being the Lord gives me new songs of praise so people will see, fear and put their trust in him.

2015 is shaping up to be a very full touring year for us. We will be in several African nations, Mauritius, Canada, Southeast Asia, the UK, the Middle East and at various locations around the United States. Please join me in prayer for the lost to see, fear and come to Christ in our concerts.

For specific dates, cities, and information on how you can join me this year, please visit my tour page at

God bless you,

Prince Mintah

Mintah came to the orphanage in 2014. At RSH he found a refuge from the streets of Accra where he lived as a homeless child, begging for food and money. Boys like Minta find themselves in very vulnerable situations on the streets, and headed towards lives of crime. Prince Mintah now has a home and family at RSH and attends school every day. He dreams of becoming a doctor so he can help others. Please keep this bright young man in your prayers.

Christmas Bible Outreach

Christmas is just around the corner, and this year we are planning an incredible day of celebration for our children at Royal Seed Home.  We can think of no better way to share the love of God at Christmastime than by bringing great joy and creating happy memories for the children and caregivers of Royal Seed Home.

Last Christmas, Worship In Action sponsored a full-day celebration at the orphanage. Imagine the joy on 180 children’s faces when truckloads of hot food arrived at their gate! It was an incredible day of feasting, singing, dancing and celebrating the miracle of Christmas.

This Christmas, Worship In Action is giving every child at Royal Seed Home a brand new Bible and a feast on Christmas Day. Will you join us in creating a special Christmas memory for our kids? A gift of $25 guarantees one child experiences a personalized touch from God this Christmas. Thank you.





Who Do You Turn to for Prayer?

IMG_3872bWho do you turn to when you need prayer? The book of Acts tells us about the life of the early church, how they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching, to fellowship and to prayer. Daily, followers of Jesus witnessed salvations, miracles of healing, deliverances, and angelic releases from prison.

Whenever I visit Royal Seed Home in Ghana, I am struck by how similar the daily life of the children is to the early Christian church. Naomi, Mother of the home, has created a culture where praise and prayer is at the very heart of the orphanage. Children begin their day in prayer. They gather in the courtyard before the school bell rings to sing and to pray. They have an “upper room” where a chaplain leads an afternoon prayer session. And, just before dinner, the kids come together in the courtyard to praise and pray. It’s beautiful. And, it’s powerful. Imagine how the prayers of these children move God and change outcomes!

One of our Worship in Action team leaders, Kathy Law, recently visited Ghana. She, too, observed the children’s powerful prayers of intercession. I’ve asked her to share with you below about her experience in Ghana, and how the prayers of the children of RSH have impacted her life.

God Bless You,

It is an honor to work with Don and Worship In Action. Don genuinely cares for people, and this is especially evident by his commitment to WIA. One of my duties as a WIA staff member is to visit Royal Seed Home in Ghana. I enjoy arriving early in the morning to serve breakfast, teach in the school, and observe in awe how this very large family of 200+ children goes peacefully about the day. The best part of all is joining the children during their prayer sessions. If you ever need a miracle, these children are ones you want praying for you.

My husband, Scot, was recently diagnosed with Stage 3 Colon Cancer. While in surgery, I contacted Naomi of RSH and asked her to have the children pray. I found great comfort knowing a beautiful group of children in Ghana were interceding for my husband. We had many specific prayer requests, and the Lord answered every single one.

One of our goals for 2017 is to give our partners an opportunity to visit Ghana and to serve at Royal Seed Home. If this is something that interests you, please email me at A trip to Ghana would certainly be a life-changing experience.

Kathy Law

Pray for Syria

Have you followed the news of the civil war in Syria? If you have not, here’s what you need to know:

1. The conflict began in March 2011 when a pro-democracy protest erupted in the southern city of Deraa after the arrest and torture of teenagers who painted revolutionary slogans on a school wall. Security forces fired upon and killed several demonstrators, which triggered a nationwide protest and demand for the resignation of President Hasaad. Protestors grew in numbers, took up arms, and by June 2013, the country was in a full-scale civil war.

2. To date, more than 320,000 people have died in the war, including nearly 12,000 children. The entire infrastructure of the country (housing, roads, healthcare, education, etc.) has collapsed, creating a humanitarian catastrophe.

3. Millions of children have experienced unspeakable violence, death, hunger and sickness. They have also missed years of school during crucial developmental phases of childhood.  According to World Vision, “Between 2 million and 3 million Syrian children are not attending school. The war reversed 10 years of progress in education for Syrian children.”

What can we do as concerned followers of Christ?

1. We can pray. Pray for the presence of Jesus to meet people in their darkest moments. Pray for angelic visitations. Ask God to confuse and stop the works of the evil one in Syria. Pray for peace to return to Syria, home to many brothers and sisters in Christ.

2. Make a donation. All gifts given to Worship In Action and directed to our “Syrian Refugee Crisis” Fund, provide food aid, health assistance, sanitary water and other critical supplies to refugees. When we put our worship into action through meeting practical needs of hurting people, God is always faithful to reveal his love, healing and salvation.

Zika Virus Outreach


In the month of March, Worship In Action is partnering with Operation Blessing (one of America’s most proactive Christian charities) to combat the spread of Zika virus in Central and South America. This outreach will provide families living in hardest hit areas with insect repellent; bed nets; fumigation; education about the virus; and assistance cleaning areas where standing water breeds mosquitoes. Mosquito-eating fish such as Sambo, Tilapia, and Gambusia are also placed in water sources to eat mosquito larvae. This as a low-cost, practical way to stop the growth of mosquito populations in and around homes where the virus spreads.


sambo fish 1What is Zika virus? How Does It Spread?
Zika virus is similar to other mosquito transmitted diseases such as Dengue, Yellow Fever, Japanese Encephalitis, and West Nile virus. It spreads to people primarily through the bite of an infected Aedes species mosquito during daytime hours. Aedes mosquitoes live and breed in water vessels, which commonly store water around homes without indoor plumbing systems. The World Health Organization has declared the Zika virus a “public health emergency of international concern.” And, although the virus currently impacts Central America, South America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Islands, cases have also been reported in the US and elsewhere.


Community Education 8Who Are Most Vulnerable?
Pregnant women and their fetuses are especially vulnerable. Zika virus can spread from pregnant mother to her baby. Scientists have linked a serious brain birth defect in developing fetuses called Microcephaly to Zika virus. Babies born with Microcephaly have noticeably smaller heads than healthy babies; and consequently, suffer permanent brain damage. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends special precautions be made for pregnant women to protect them from exposure to the Zika virus.


Community Education 20

Please Join Us!
Thank you for joining us this month as Worship in Action partners with Operation Blessing to combat the spread of Zika virus in Central and South America. Donations given to this Zika virus outreach will provide insect repellent, bed nets, fumigation, and mosquito larvae eating fish to impoverished communities where the items are most needed. Let’s put our worship into action this month by stopping the Zika virus, and powerfully impacting lives in the name of Jesus Christ.



To make a donation, please click here:

Human Touch at Royal Seed Home

Studies reveal that children who grow up with neglect and lack of emotional and social interaction, have measurably different brain structures than kids who grow up in loving homes. Mental, emotional and spiritual development of children is stunted when they lack human touch. This is especially true of institutionalized orphans who spend their developmental years in inadequate and grossly understaffed facilities. Such children rarely feel the touch of other caring human beings; and this neglect permanently alters their lives. Orphans will rarely each their full potentials as children of God, unless they are in a loving environment and human touch.

IMG_3575In Africa, at Royal Seed Home (RSH), the environment is much different for children. African mommas carry their babies on their backs as they go about daily life. When mommas are not present to carry the babies, grandmothers and sisters assume that role.  When immediate family members are unable to care for the children, they go to orphanages, such as RSH.

IMG_3748RSH is a distinctly Christian orphanage, and it is also distinctly African. The children know they are loved, first by God, and secondly by their family. Family is 200+ brothers, sisters, caregivers and teachers who live, worship and attend school together. Babies and toddlers are wrapped onto the backs of office workers, cooks, grandmothers, older girls, and even on the backs of willing volunteers. They receive constant physical touch – an ancient African practice that builds communities, poor and rich alike. Volunteers who visit Royal Seed Home enjoy the experience of carrying a child. It serves as a reminder that life includes others; it never excludes nor forgets them, especially the children.

003-Worship In Action GhanaWorship In Action often receives requests for funds to pay the salaries of teachers and caregivers at Royal Seed Home. We do so happily because we know that without these people, Royal Seed Home would not continue to exist. We also know the children who live at RSH will have completely different childhoods from other orphans because there are many adults who love, teach, prepare hot meals, wash their clothes, and watch over them.  The children of Royal Seed Home need food, water and shelter to survive. We would argue they also need one additional component – human touch.

This month, donations given to Royal Seed Home will be directed to teachers and caregivers who daily touch the children we love from a distance. These women (and a few men) have dedicated their lives to serving others. Our donations empower them to continue the mission God has given them.



Thank you for your ongoing partnership. May our good God bless your generosity and provide for all your needs.


Don Moen & WIA Team

It Was a Very Good Year for Worship In Action!

Don and NaomiThe beginning of a new year is always a time when I think about what we have done in the previous year, and commit to the Lord our plans for the upcoming year. Of all we accomplished in 2015, I am most proud of Worship In Action and the impact it has made round the world. I love how we are able to regularly support an orphanage in Ghana called Royal Seed Home. When the earthquake shook the nation of Nepal, we sent resources to purchase emergency medial supplies. And at the close of the year, we responded to the Syrian/Iraqi refugee crisis by purchasing food and other needed supplies for those who have lost everything. I thank God for your partnership, and for the privilege of putting my worship in action in such practical and tangible ways.

Miriam RSHOur partners made it possible this year to significantly increase our support of Royal Seed Home in Ghana. Together, we fed the kids; improved the RSH facility; bought new textbooks; provided health insurance for all the kids; paid medical bills of abandoned babies in need of emergency surgeries; and we sent older students to trade schools so they will be able to find jobs when social services requires them to leave the home. I believe our small role in the overall health and well-being of these children brings glory to God.

Christmas Celebration RSH Dec 2015aAt the close of 2015, I returned to Ghana for a partner meeting (I will tell you more about that later), and visited the kids of Royal Seed Home. The trip was a highlight of my entire year. To see with my own eyes and be reminded of the reason we give to this worthy cause, gave me fresh fire for 2016. I am happy to tell you that for the first time ever, the kids had a proper Christmas Day celebration. Thanks to our good friends, Daniel and Veronica Mensah and many others, the children feasted, sang and danced, and celebrated Jesus’ birthday with a delicious cake. It was a truly wonderful end to an equally wonderful year!

For some time now, my team and I have discussed our desire to work more with local churches in communities around the world. We believe one of our purposes is to inspire others to put their worship in action through caring for the needs of others; and, what better way for that to happen than to inspire the church? Local churches are the ones who are able to be present; to touch others with the love to Christ; and to minister in real and tangible ways to those in their communities who are hurting.

IMG_9296After many months of preparation, I am happy to report that on December 6, 2015 we had our very first WIA (known in Ghana as Don Moen and Friends) partner meeting in Accra, where local Ghanaians committed to support Royal Seed Home on a more regular basis. Because of this event, we now have additional resources to support the ongoing needs of the home. We owe a great deal of thanks to our dear friends, Daniel and Veronica Mensah and Emmanuel & Catherine Adu Sarkodee, who made this successful event possible.

God is good, all the time. 2015 was an amazing year, and I believe 2016 is already shaping up to be even better. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We sincerely appreciate your partnership.

God bless,

Don Moen & WIA Team

To make a donation to Worship In Action (to any of our programs or to general funds), please click the button below.


Chennai, India 100 Year Flood

Chennai is a city of five million people located on the south eastern coast of India.  This city is also home to Cornerstone University, a good friend of Worship In Action. Friends at Cornerstone have written us to ask for help in recovering from the worst flooding their densely populated city has seen in 100 years.  To date, approximately 280 people have lost their lives in the flood.

Our friends in Chennai tell us the flood waters have entered most first floors of buildings, homes and places of worship; in some places waters have reached second level floors. The rains have washed out roads, destroyed bridges, kept supply trucks (fuel, food, drinking water) from entering the city, and caused massive power outages.

Communication services have been down and unreliable, so people haven’t spoken with relatives or friends to say they are safe. Many are still missing. Countless people have lost their homes, household belongings, clothing and even vehicles were washed away.

Will you please join us in praying for the people of Chennai?  Pray the Lord visits this city in a way that brings people to Christ. Please also pray for our Christian brothers and sisters who will step forward in this crisis to help people in desperate need.  We pray the hope within them will serve as a witness to the lost.

Worship in Action volunteers from Cornerstone University are prepared to be the hands and feet of Christ right now in Chennai.  But they need our support.  A donation of any size will equip these WIA volunteers with food, clothing, and other emergency essentials during this crisis.  Please join us by clicking the donate button below.

make-a-dif-doanteThank you for your continued support and concern for hurting people around the world.  May the Lord abundantly bless your generosity, and supply all your needs according to his riches in glory.

Worship In Action Responds to Refugee Crisis

Dear Friends,

I’ve been watching an increasingly grim situation unfold on the news over the last several months, and feel it’s time to take action. The severity of the Syrian and Iraqi refugee crisis cannot be ignored. According to reputable organizations like World Vision, more than 12 million people have fled Syria or are internally displaced in refugee camps. Can you even begin to visualize 12 million refugees? Even more difficult to imagine is that half of these refugees are children!

To put things into perspective,12 million people is more than the combined total of all those impacted by the Haiti Earthquake (3.5 million), Hurricane Katrina (1.7 million) and the Indian Ocean Tsunami (5 million). How can we ignore this crisis any longer?

My heart is burdened to send aid to the millions of men, women and children (not unlike my own children and grandchild) who have fled their homes in search of safety. As I write to you, I think of the millions of children who have quit school; who no longer sleep in their own beds at night; and who are especially vulnerable to illness, malnourishment or even exploitation. Then I think: what if my family found ourselves in similar circumstances? The Golden Rule just may be our greatest tool for sharing Jesus in this very difficult part of the world.

Worship In Action is partnering with Operation Blessing to be the hands and feet of Jesus among refugees and Internally Displaced Persons in search of safe shelter and critical supplies to meet urgent needs. Please join us this month as we put our worship into action on behalf of these hurting people.

God bless you,
Don Moen


Education Matters

Dear Friends,

As children around the world return to school, seats will be filled to capacity and overflowing at Royal Seed School. Imagine the school yard, brimming with children gathered in lines for morning assembly.IMG_3872c Teachers lead prayers and songs. The school band of drums and horns plays the national anthem and sends the children off to their classrooms.

It’s 8am and several hundred children fresh with sleep and breakfast, sit three to a bench with simple notebooks and pencils in hand. The teacher begins by writing on the chalkboard the day’s lesson. The children copy the words and pictures into their notebooks and memorize the information. Classroom materials are scarce in this school.

Royal Seed School began as a piece of tarp stretched overhead and attached to four poles pushed into the ground. Today, the school is a beautiful concrete complex of a dozen classrooms. Each classroom has simple benches for the children and a desk and chalkboard for the teacher.RS School-a It resembles an old fashioned country school room with even fewer materials. Children from Royal Seed Home and the surrounding (impoverished) neighborhoods faithfully attend class every day. Naomi, the school’s founder, never turns a child away. Nor does she collect school fees. She relies completely on God to provide for the school.

This year, Worship In Action made an investment in Royal Seed School by purchasing teacher text books and ceiling fans for the classrooms. But, there is so much more we can do.

RS School-cWe have created an educational fund for Royal Seed School. Our goal is to raise $3,500 USD to purchase complete sets of textbooks for every classroom. In Ghana, the average price for one student textbook is 15 Cedis or $4 USD.

A contribution of $20 will purchase five textbooks. $40 will purchase 10 textbooks. $100 will purchase 25 textbooks. Please consider joining us this month. Our combined contributions have the potential to significantly improve the educational experience year after year for thousands of children.

To make a donation to Royal Seed School fund, please click here: CLICK HERE!

God bless you.

Don Moen & WIA Team


Elizabeth Royal SeedElizabeth came to Royal Seed Home as a young child. A Good Samaritan neighbor who lived near Elizabeth and watched over her, knew that Elizabeth’s Mother had abandoned the child and left her in the care of her Father. Elizabeth’s Father was a well-known drunk who rarely slept at home and who after heavy drinking, frequently awoke in strange places, such as in ditches or on the streets. Elizabeth’s Good Samaritan neighbor did all she could for Elizabeth but knew the child needed consistent care. The neighbor called social services who promptly removed Elizabeth and brought her to Royal Seed Home.

Elizabeth is now a senior student who attends a technical school and helps care for the younger children at Royal Seed Home. She is a beautiful girl who is well today because someone cared enough to intervene. As with many of the children who have grown up at Royal Seed Home, Elizabeth has made a vow in her heart to always help her Mom, Naomi, carry on the work of the home.