
Bahamas Water Relief

On September 1, 2019, Hurricane Dorian struck the beautiful islands of the Bahamas. The hardest hit, Grand Bahama and Abaco, felt upwards of 225mph winds as the eye of the hurricane slowed to a near stop for more than nine hours over the islands.

The United Nations says some 77,000 Bahamians are presently in need of water, food and shelter in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. The official death toll is 50, but the actual number of people killed in the storm could potentially reach the thousands. Countless men, women and children are still missing.

Worship In Action is joining Air Mobile Ministries of Titusville, Florida to address dehydration and diminishing drinking water supplies in the Bahamas. Air Mobile Ministries has already flown 22 water purification systems to one of the most remote and hardest hit areas, but more water purifiers are still needed. The weight and cost of transporting bottled water to areas not presently reachable via land, makes these incredible water systems even that more critical.

One water purification system weighs 20lbs, purifies 25 gallons of water per hour, and provides drinking water for up to 500 people per day. Given the extreme temperatures and humidity in the Bahamas, dehydration and contaminated water supplies are serious concerns. This water system is an extremely effective way to immediately provide potable water in the most dire circumstances. The cost of one water system is $2500. Please consider joining us in purchasing as many of these systems as possible.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we feel compelled to respond to this humanitarian crisis in the Bahamas. Christian aid agencies and local churches are actively engaged in relief efforts, providing basic needs and emotional, mental and spiritual support…and WIA is among them. To God be the glory! Thank you for your support.

God bless you.

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