I recently returned from a trip to Ghana. It was wonderful to see friends and to visit Royal Seed Home, again. Worship In Action has supported RSH for several years, and thanks to our partners I am glad to report the children are growing and doing very well. Thank you for your ongoing, faithful support.
As a father and grandfather, providing good meals is a top priority to me. It is hard to imagine children NOT having enough to eat. When I see reports of famine sweeping through South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria and Yemen, I feel compelled to do something about it. Millions of people in these nations are at risk of starvation and the majority are children. Why? Conflict, drought and high food prices are to blame. The answer? Jesus touching hurting people through you and me.
Starvation is a major problem even among rural communities near Royal Seed Home in Ghana. Malnutrition is a silent killer that accounts for one-third of all child deaths in Ghana. For this reason, we believe the Lord is leading Worship In Action to establish a Child Hunger Fund. Month by month we will begin to address the global epidemic of child starvation. In partnership with local churches, food will find its way to those who need it most.
We humbly invite you to join us as founding partners of WIA’s Child Hunger Fund. To make a contribution, CLICK HERE or click the donate button below. As with our Baby Rescue and Education funds, this Child Hunger Fund will be active for as many years as the Lor blesses us with partners.
Thank you for standing with us as we together put our worship in action.

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