Ministry Updates

Clean Drinking Water Improves Lives

According to the World Health Organization, global communities have made significant improvements over the past decade to reduce the spread of waterborne and water-related diseases. However, nearly 2.4 billion people on our planet today still lack access to clean drinking water and sanitation. For example, 1000 children under the age of five die every day from diarrhea caused by inadequate water, sanitation and hygiene. 15 years ago, that number was 2000 deaths per day.IMG_3767b

Access to clean drinking water and sanitation is one major step we must take to improve the lives of the poor. This is why Worship In Action recently invested in repairing the water filtration system at Royal Seed Home.

While in Ghana, Worship In Action team member, Kathy Law, noticed children filling old water bottles with yellow tinted water. She learned the home uses a pump to draw water from a well on the property, and the water goes through a filtering system for purification. Unfortunately, outdated wiring in the well house sparked a fire that burned up the system, and the home had been without pure water for weeks. Through the generous support of our partners, Worship In Action fixed the water well and immediately improved the living condition of the children and caregivers.IMG_3763c

God is good and wants to use each of us as an answer to others’ prayers. Naomi and the children pray daily for provision. We are a part of God’s answer to their prayers. Every gift makes a difference. If you haven’t already done so, please join us as monthly partners by clicking here.

Ekwo Finds a New Life

This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 1 John 3:16

RSH-EkwoNaomi Esi Amoah of Royal Seed Home in Ghana truly lives 1 John 3:16. I met Naomi several years ago and felt so encouraged by all she does to rescue abandoned children. It is not uncommon for Naomi to drop whatever she is doing to respond to a phone call from the local police, asking her to pick up a child who has no family nor home. This is how Ekwo came to Royal Seed Home.

Ekwo was living on the streets when police arrested him for stealing. Social services contacted Naomi and asked her to shelter the boy while they searched for his family. It was a Sunday morning and Naomi promptly left church to meet Ekwo at the police station. She then brought him to Royal Seed Home where he found a bed, food, school, God’s unconditional love and forgiveness. Social services did eventually locate Ekwo’s family; however, not one person in his immediate nor extended family wanted anything to do with him. Sadly, Ekwo was dead to them.

RSH_EkwoEkwo’s past is one of struggle and sadness. However, when you ask him to share his story, tears fill his eyes…tears not of pain, but rather gratitude. Naomi rescued this young man and gave him a future and hope. A young man destined to spend his life behind bars, now has the support system he needs to make something of himself and to do something great for God.

It is because of Ekwo and the many other orphaned children that I support Royal Seed Home. A monthly gift of $25 provides one month’s supply of food for each child at Royal Seed.

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Nepal Disaster Relief Fund

Thank you to each of our partners who gave in response to Worship In Action’s Nepal Earthquake outreach. I am very happy to report that together we gave $5000 to the relief efforts. Our contribution provided immediate and critical supplies such as blankets, food, and safe water to those impacted by the earthquakes in Nepal. We believe God received glory during this outreach and through us demonstrated his love to many people.

Friends have asked if we will continue our involvement in Nepal, and the answer is YES. Worship In Action has an established disaster relief fund that actively receives and distributes donations from our partners to areas around the world impacted by natural disasters. We invite our friends to continue to give to this disaster relief fund, and these funds will go to Nepal for the ongoing rebuilding efforts. We know life will never be the same for the Nepalese who have lost family members, homes, jobs, and their earthly possessions. We can’t return to them what was lost; however, we can support them in a way that is a testimony of God’s faithfulness and presence in the earth.

To give to Worship In Action Disaster Relief Fund, click the button below.

Give to Disaster Relief

Nepal Disaster Relief Effort

I’m sure you have closely followed the reports of the 7.8-magnitude earthquake that struck the heart of Nepal this past Saturday. News agencies are reporting upwards of 4,600 people have died. Thousands of survivors have lost homes, hospitals are overwhelmed treating injuries and quickly running out of medical supplies, and many rural communities are completely unreachable. The situation is heartbreaking and desperate.

If you have not yet made a donation, please consider giving to Worship In Action’s Nepal Relief Fund. 100% of your donations will be combined with my personal donation and sent directly to Operation Blessing in Nepal.

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Baby Esi Amoah

Baby Esi_Royal Seed HomeEsi Amoah came to Royal Seed Home as a newborn baby. In Ghana, children are named after the day of the week on which they are born. Baby Esi means “Sunday born” which is the day she arrived at Royal Seed Home. Esi’s birth mother abandoned her upon delivery. Esi’s Grandmother, who was her closest living relative, did not have the capacity to care for a baby and brought her to Royal Seed. Esi had only had water for three days and was immediately hospitalized for dehydration. Recently, Esi had a second health battle and spent several more days in the hospital fighting for her life. Had it not been for the attentive love of the caregivers at the home who noticed she was having difficulty breathing, Esi would not have survived.

Gifty’s Story

Gifty is a little girl with whom it is easy to fall in love. She is tender, shy and kind. And, she has an incredible story. Don Moen and his band met Gifty on one of their visits to Royal Seed Home in Ghana.

Here’s Gifty’s Story!

Worship-In-Action-Gifty-Ghana1A group of children were playing in a field one day when they noticed a black plastic bag wiggling around. Afraid the plastic bag had a snake inside, they began to hit it with sticks to try to kill the snake. Adults nearby noticed the commotion and stopped the children. When they opened the plastic bag, they found a newborn baby girl…Gifty. Local police received the baby and then brought her to Royal Seed Home where Mrs. Naomi took her in and gave her the name “Gifty”…God’s gift to us. Gifty lived at RSH for the first few years of her life until an American family adopted her. God has a beautiful future ahead for this little treasure. He preserved her life and used Royal Seed Home to do it.

Today, there are 190+ Gifty’s who have found food, shelter and a family at Royal Seed Home. Every donation we receive in Gifty’s name goes to provide for children just like her…rescued ones with bright futures.

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Preach the Gospel in All the Earth

FFPDonMoen0401One night many years ago when I was quite a bit younger, the Lord woke me from my sleep and put Psalm 40:3 in my thoughts. I turned on the bedroom light, opened my Bible to Psalm 40:3 and read these words: He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him.

I was unaware at the time how that verse would ultimately define my life and ministry. God has called me to worship, to welcome his presence and to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to the lost. Each time I take the stage, I remember Psalm 40:3. I never assume every person in the audience is born again. I know with every fiber of my being the Lord gives me new songs of praise so people will see, fear and put their trust in him.

2015 is shaping up to be a very full touring year for us. We will be in several African nations, Mauritius, Canada, Southeast Asia, the UK, the Middle East and at various locations around the United States. Please join me in prayer for the lost to see, fear and come to Christ in our concerts.

For specific dates, cities, and information on how you can join me this year, please visit my tour page at

God bless you,

Prince Mintah

IMG_2660Mintah came to the orphanage in 2014. At RSH he found a refuge from the streets of Accra where he lived as a homeless child, begging for food and money. Boys like Minta find themselves in very vulnerable situations on the streets, and headed towards lives of crime. Prince Mintah now has a home and family at RSH and attends school every day. He dreams of becoming a doctor so he can help others. Please keep this bright young man in your prayers.

Kofi Amoah

Jesus said in John 8:12, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” We are the light of the world.

Kofi-AmoahNaomi Esi Amoah, founder of Royal Seed Home, shines the light of Christ by rescuing abandoned children in her homeland of Ghana. Two weeks ago, on August 22, 2014, Naomi received precious baby Kofi Amoah shortly after he was born. Kofi’s birth mother was very troubled during her pregnancy and abandoned Kofi at a garbage dump the day she gave birth to him. Since coming to Royal Seed, Kofi has received medical care for birth-related health issues and he has improved dramatically. You can see in these pictures how Kofi is getting better every day. God has a purpose for every life born. Please pray Kofi will continue to heal and grow healthy and strong. Amen.